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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Blackpoint - Sand Castle Anchorage - 19-21 Mar


   The cold front has blown through and we can move back to the bank side of the Exumas. With the strong northeast winds forecast for the next couple days we have moved to the south side of Blackpoint. There is a beautiful sandy beach here, not many boats and easy 1.5 mile walk into town.

   First on the list of chores as we walk towards town is to carry the garbage to the island dump. Most of the island marinas will take your trash for $5 a bag but, Blackpoint has a dump along the way to town so we can drop it off ourselves along the way.

   Almost to town. We walked in twice today, first to drop the trash and take Rivah for a walk, then to head into town for happy hour without the dog and check out the beaches on the Sound side. Total of 8 miles for the day which made Sue happy.

   The old Scorpios is now the Blackpoint Yacht Club with a bright new restaurant building right on the water. They have two docks for small boats to come tie up and we watched a parade of "tour boats" bringing tourists in for lunch. They come from both Nassau and Georgetown by high speed boats (both places are 50nm away so a couple hour drive for the speed boats). The beer and appetizers were excellent - of course at "island prices". 

   Back to the dinghy after our touring. The tide has gone out on this relatively flat beach so it will be a bit of a heft to drag it back to the water. Not a big problem. 

   Walking over to the Sound side of the island the shore is rocks and cliffs and dead coral, just like all the other islands in the Exuma chain. 

   There is a blow hole on Blackpoint where the water comes through underwater caves the spouts up like a geyser. On a very windy day the water goes up 15-20ft high like a real geyser. Today it wasn't so windy and just a few big splashes. Sue spent a good deal of time trying to get an impressive photo without much luck. Thank goodness for digital cameras and ability to easily delete a large number of failed photos.

   Not very many shells but Sue is always looking for treasures. Lots of plastic of course. I did find several pieces of sea glass.

   Next day it is back to the Yacht Club for beers and appetizers. Can't beat the view and atmosphere.  This is life in the Bahamas. 

 Another pretty sunset but no "green flashes" in the Exumas. There are always clouds over the island of Andros, 50 miles to the west, that block the view of the sun setting into the ocean. 

   Its been a nice visit to Blackpoint but the next cold front is on its way. Tomorrow we have to make our way back to the safe anchorage between the Majors.