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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

No Genny - We are not in the Bahamas Anymore

   Goodbye to the warm, sunny Bahamas, we're back in the chilly, overcast mid-Atlantic East Coast. 46deg this morning as we work our way up the IntraCoastal Waterway (ICW)  back to Yorktown.
   We arrived in Beaufort, NC, on Wed after a fast 400nm, 48hr run via the rough and tumble Gulf Stream from Daytona, FL area.  Thursday we started our transit up the ICW and arrived in Belhaven, NC on Fri afternoon. Had pot luck dinner and appetizers with the marina folks this evening. Several folks from Virginia, Maryland, DC, New York, Toledo Beach (where we bought our boat) etc, all the places we have been, were here. Funny what a small world it is.  Saturday we motored up in the increasing cold to the Alligator River Marina, NC and stayed there for two days as Sunday brought even colder temps, strong winds and a bit of rain. Monday it was on to Coinjock, NC. Tuesday off for Hampton VA, then Wednesday finally the run for home with warmer, south winds forecasted for the Chesapeake.

   Back in the ICW with cold water and mud bottom versus sand, here is the new morning attire: sea boots to keep the feet and legs dry as we wash the mud off the chain each morning with our saltwater washdown system (Bahama sand never sticks to chain); double lined polyester pants and Columbia fleece over poly long underwear top with fleece watch cap with ear covers. Add waterproof gloves and windbreaker and you're ready for the morning anchor raising.
   The ICW has its own set of dangers. A very narrow channel you have to stay within; lots of boat traffic to avoid, and confusing channel markers that switch each time you transition between the true ICW and channels to/from the ocean. Just north of Beaufort we had to navigate through several fishing trawlers working the waterway. Seems like it was the opening day of oyster season??
Genny, however, with her built-in fur coat, is very happy to be back in the cool and smooth ICW.  With a nice cushion, comfy pillow, on-time meals and two ear scratchers at your beck and call. And, the potty is just a short walk up forward with no 6ft seas to contend with. What could be nicer.