Where is TIDES INN Today?
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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of www.winlink.org) Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed.
Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA
Breezy Nassau Bahamas
We departed No Name Harbor south of Miami about 2300 and transited across the Gulf Stream arriving at the Bahamas Bank at dawn. The conditions in Gulf Stream were fairly calm with 10kts of southerly wind and 2-3ft seas.
It was a clear, crisp night which started with a terrific bright shooting star.
Checking for traffic as we pass by St Issac Light, entering onto the Great Bahamas Bank. This area is a mesa top about 15-25ft under the ocean surface. We transited down a route free of coral heads towards the Northwest Passage Light chokepoint.
Here's a little hitchhiker who jumped onboard during the Gulf Stream passage. Fairly common occurrance in the Gulf Stream.
SeaDog Gennie has the potty routine down pat. She really likes the calm water conditions though. We are motor sailing across the Bahama Bank here in light winds nearly on the nose.
Approaching Nassau Harbor. We followed "Majesty of the Sea" into the harbor and waiting for her to turn around and back into the cruise ship docks. Five cruise ships in port.
We'll stay in Nassau for two nights waiting for the strong northerly winds to abate, then head on south down the Exumas. More photos to follow.
All are well aboard Tides Inn