We are still here anchored in Pipe Creek, which has protection from all sides and, is a beautiful place without too many folks, except for our new friends on Mirabelle (with their new transmission) and Just Ducky who we snorkle and picnic with. We are planning on departing on Sunday for further on south to meet up with other friends, but will see what the weather does.
Weather has been great since Tuesday (I think thats the right day?) with the light south winds bringing in warm temperatures. Water is about 75deg here. Not bad, but need a wet suit for lengthy snorkling. Will be warmer further south. Sue only got dunked once by passing power boat.
Gennie is enjoying the trip and likes to explore the beachs and water. She always wants to wade in the water, I guess to cool her feet down some, and we have to keep her nearby so she doesnt get fully saturated with salt water. I suspect she would go swimming if we let her. This is over at "conch beach" where there are over a thousand small conchs at low tide (and a few big ones we are having for dinner tonight.)
This is the Pipe Creek "yacht club" where we had a bonfire and snacks Wed evening. The "clubhouse" is a collection of ocean debries that wash up on the Sound side of the island (called "East Marine" by the yachties since it is on the east side of the island and brings in new things each day). There are 4 sailboats anchored by us who get together for "events".

There is a great restaurant at the Sampson Cay marina just south of us. Thursday was 2 for 1 pizza day (large pizza is $25 so you dont want to go any other day than Thurs). These nurse sharks loll around the marina waiting for handouts from the conch cleaners. Yesterday on the way back from Staniel Cay we passed a good size Hammerhead Shark who went right under our dinghy. Not all the fish in the sea are as gentle as these nurse sharks.