Where is TIDES INN Today?
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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of www.winlink.org) Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed.
Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA
Sailing on Schooner Virginia
One of these days we'll get to sail on our own boat, but meanwhile I spent the past weekend working and sailing on the schooner Virginia.
On Thursday, we sailed from her berth by Nauticus in Norfolk up through Hampton Roads to the city of Hampton where the Virginia would participate in Blackbeard Pirate Days. Friday was a work day and 3 of us sanded and oiled a good portion of the brightwork - pilot house, wheel house and instruments station.
Saturday and Sunday were public visitation days during the Blackbeard festival.
Monday we sailed back to Norfolk by way of 8hrs of crew training in the southern Chesapeake Bay. After many tacks, jibes, sail adjustments, man overboard drills, abandon ship drills, etc... we finally returned to home berth in Norfolk. I now know why Popeye has such huge arms. A cruise on a traditional sailing vessel with no winches onboard will develop some big biceps and triceps. Next weekend its Harborfest at Norfolk. No long sailing days for that festival though.
Meanwhile, my latest and last project for Tides Inn is finished - an external WiFi antenna to improve our laptop wifi range. We are set to sail to NYC next week for the June 14th weekend where we will meet up with Greg and Beth who will be in Brooklyn at a craft fair for the weekend.
Our first chance to try out the HF radio and daily position reports. Stay tuned to the blog to see how it works out.