I had to get a dockline under the old, heavy chain to take the load off our chain, then we were able to retrieve our chain. But, the next problem was how to get the old chain over our Bruce anchor which has 3 flukes which catch the river bottom - and catch on the old chain.
I got two flukes over the chain but every time I tried to get the 3rd over the anchor would spin. Since it took me two arms to hold up the 80lb old chain I didn't have a free arm to spin the anchor. Sue had to come up forward from the helm to spin the anchor with a boat hook. That left noone at the helm and we nearly drifted into another anchored boat nearby, but she was able to race back and motor us forward and save the day. Thirty minutes later, we were on our way for St Augustine.
It turned out we hadn't wasted 30 minutes because 30 minutes later we caught up with the American Eagle cruise boat who was delayed passing through the very narrow railroad bridge south of Fernandina. If we had left on time, we would have had to wait for 30 minutes behind the cruise boat as he worked his way through the narrow railroad bridge opening.
For those interested in an ICW cruise without your own boat, this cruise line offers cruises along several sections of the ICW and Chesapeake Bay.
White pelicans on the shore. We are finally in Florida, although the weather temperatures don't reflect it.
Several hours later we have arrived at St Augustine and picked up our mooring ball. We asked for the north mooring field as it is the closest to the marina so the shortest dinghy ride and, we got the first ball next to the bridge. That was very fortuitous as the winds blew from the north for most of our 6 day visit which gave us a wet dinghy ride back to the boat each trip, but it was the shortest trip possible.
We ended up staying 6 days at St Augustine, which is longer than normal, but it gave us time to get our laundry done, take Rivah to the vet, and visit with our nephew Johnathan at Sailors Exchange. They have a new building, larger than the old site, which lets them display all their merchandise. And they also have a new AirBNB house available to rent.
We walked out to the lighthouse to get some photos and also to stop by the Old Coast Brewery and taco shop.
Turns out Rivah has an infected anal gland that we had to get checked and medicine prescribed. Now she's on 2 weeks of antibiotics and the no licking collar. Turns out one of these donut collars wasn't enough so she has been wearing two of them. Not that happy but she doesn't try to get it off - just mopes.
St Augustine is a very picturesque city with lots of tourists even though it was quite chilly. At least when the sun was out it was warm. We had two days of rain while we were here with some cold temps at night. Nothing like jumping into a cold, damp bed at night.
Soon it was time to push on further south, hopefully to some warmer weather.
Another early departure as we have a 10hr trip to make today to get to New Smyrna. Off the mooring ball and through the 0700 bridge opening with no problems.