Following our terrific visit with friends in New Smyrna Beach its time to head further south for Miami and warmer weather. Its been brisk in northern Florida with temperatures in the 40s-60s and strong winds. Its back to the Intra-Coastal Waterway south to Fort Pierce before we will head out to sea. 
We stopped and anchored the first night off Cocoa Beach, just out of the ICW channel, with cold northerly winds at 15-20kts. Same conditions we have had for last couple weeks. The next day takes us to Vero Beach where we picked up a mooring ball for couple nights. Vero "Velcro" Beach is a convenient stopping point with inexpensive moorings and free shuttle bus to shops and the beach. Many cruisers spend the winter at Vero Beach. We replenished fresh items at Publix and picked up a back-up GPS at West Marine. Filled the fuel and water tanks and set off for Miami.

Finally out of the "ditch" and out to sea at Fort Pierce. We had light northeasterly winds which were good for sailing at a slow 4-5kts. That was fine as it is 24hrs to Miami and we have no desire to arrive in the dark so we can take our time.
We stopped and anchored the first night off Cocoa Beach, just out of the ICW channel, with cold northerly winds at 15-20kts. Same conditions we have had for last couple weeks. The next day takes us to Vero Beach where we picked up a mooring ball for couple nights. Vero "Velcro" Beach is a convenient stopping point with inexpensive moorings and free shuttle bus to shops and the beach. Many cruisers spend the winter at Vero Beach. We replenished fresh items at Publix and picked up a back-up GPS at West Marine. Filled the fuel and water tanks and set off for Miami.
Finally out of the "ditch" and out to sea at Fort Pierce. We had light northeasterly winds which were good for sailing at a slow 4-5kts. That was fine as it is 24hrs to Miami and we have no desire to arrive in the dark so we can take our time.
Seas and winds are mild so a good chance to catch up on sleep on a lazy afternoon at sea.
Nighttime sailing off southern Florida is a busy place. We had to avoid tugs and a large dredging vessel off Palm Beach and then 4 different cruise ships coming and going from Fort Lauderdale. The ships are well lit but its always confusing to determine when/where they are actually heading as this one loitered left of us to rendezvous with the Pilot Boat, then got underway across our bow to enter port with the pilot onboard. We stopped to let them proceed ahead of us.
Finally, early morning and the Miami channel in sight. Time to take in the sails and restart the motor. Back to motoring up the channels. Was a good sail down from Fort Pierce with just a few nighttime stresses with traffic. No bad weather enroute.

Still a few obstacles to deal with before we can get to our anchorage and kick back and take a rest. This fuel carrier is coming out of the channel we need to pass down since the main channel is closed with multiple cruise boats in port. He takes up most of the channel. Behind him the Fisher Island Ferry is shuttling back and forth which we also need to avoid. And there are private powerboats ahead and behind us, always in a hurry it seems.
Clear channel ahead and we are proceeding through the Miami cargo port area to Biscayne Bay and our anchorage. We are ultimately heading for the bridge on the far left of the photo but the channel proceeds straight ahead all the way to the shoreline, then along the shoreline to the left alongside the buildings ahead.
At last, the open waters of Biscayne Bay. This is a great cruising area with relatively sheltered waters from all sides. You can sail here nearly everyday with less than 2ft waves. The only issue is finding a place to anchor when strong northerly cold fronts come through - but there are places available. We are expecting standard easterly trade winds for the next several days so proceeding to the No-Name Harbor area to anchor close to shore.
Finally here - 31 days after leaving Dare Marina in Yorktown we are anchored just off the southerly tip of Key Biscayne outside No-Name Harbor, with warm breezes and no commitments. Time to enjoy our winter in Florida.
Time to take off the cockpit enclosure back and sides as the temperature is in the mid-70s and no rain in the forecast. The enclosure is essential for transiting from Virginia in January but we are finally in the warm Florida breezes of the Keys.
Finally. The long trek is over and time to enjoy the rewards. Sunset over Biscayne Bay in 70degree weather. Time for a good night's sleep and well earned relaxation. Now if the power boaters would just stop zooming by and turn down their blaring stereos.....