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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Jack's Bay -17 Mar


   Up from White Point is a small indentation called Jack's Bay. It is too shallow to take the big boat into but you can dinghy into the Bay, being careful to pass in between the rocks and reefs coming out from both sides of the entrance.

   Looking into Jack's Bay. We had this anchorage spot all to ourselves also. 

   Obviously plenty of cruisers have stopped by this site. 

   Tides Inn sitting off Jack's Bay. You can't anchor too close into shore here either as there is a rocky reef running just outside the bay.

   The wind and waves were down but the southerly swell was still rolling along the coast making the anchorage a bit uncomfortable.

 Taking advantage of the benches set up we brought in some drinks and snacks for happy hour and our mini solo stove.

   These are the days that make the long trek to the Bahamas and down to the Exumas worth the effort and stress. Nothing like a cold beer and chips around the fire on a tropical island.

   Jack's Bay was a great stop but the weather was always a factor throughout our stay in the Exumas. The next cold front was coming through with strong west and northwest winds so it was time to find a protected spot. The closest to us is just north "between the Majors". This is a fairly narrow channel between Big and Little Major where there is good protection from westerly winds.