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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Bitter Guana - Land of the Iguanas 13-14 Mar

    Bitter Guana Cay is home to a large number of iguanas which are protected and, are well fed by visiting cruisers and increasingly tourists being shuttled down from Nassau or from the mega-mega yachts (250ft and larger) that anchor off the islands. 

   The iguanas spend most of their day laying in the shade under the scrub bushes but they come running out to greet any folks on the beach, expecting to be fed.

    At the end of the beach is a small cove which was full of iguanas escaping out of the bright and hot sun. These guys must have already eaten today as they ignored us and stayed in the cool shade.

   Bitter Guana is a narrow island and it is only a short walk over to the eastern shore that borders the Exuma Sound. This is the shore facing the prevailing easterly tradewinds and is normally quite rough. Generally no anchoring on this side. Its also generally quite rocky and covered in old dead coral reefs.

   The Sound side often has these inlets amongst the rocks and reefs. Very picturesque and presents the opportunity to shift through the wave and wind driven debris for treasures. 

   There were lots of little shells, good for decorating woven baskets but, also lots and lots of plastic coming over from Eluthera Cay to the east.

   Back to the boat sitting placidly in the protected bank site of Bitter Guana. Tomorrow we are off further south to Oven Rock.