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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Big Majors 23-26 Mar


   With the wind back to the southeast, we came back to the main Big Majors anchorage area. No sense heading further south as we learned about the uncomfortable southern swell off Bitter Guana Cay and we will be starting our way back north on the 27th, so we will sit here for a couple days enjoying the sun and water. 

   We were out touring around in our dinghy checking out the beaches and saw this large ray that swam under the dinghy. 

   Later in the day we watched a large nurse shark swim under our big boat but couldn't get a camera soon enough. 

   You have to get south to the Exumas to get water this crystal clear. Even in Nassau it is very green and not as easy to see the bottom. Not too much different than Florida. 

   Now this was impressive. When the space launches leave Cape Canaveral just after sunset, the sun lights up the contrail in spectacular fashion. It is fairly dark where we are anchored but, the sun is shining up in the atmosphere by the rocket.  This is a Starlink satellite launch.

   We were able to watch it for a long time and able to see the burn of the booster coming back down to land. 

   Still going as the second stage burns crossing in front of our boat. It is actually quite dark on our boat but the camera makes it look like daytime. Very cool.

Our last sunset at Big Majors. Tomorrow we will start heading north, first up to Compass Cay then somewhere, maybe Bell Cay, to hide out for the next cold front passage. These cold fronts are starting to be a pain as they keep coming through every 6 days. 

Of note, this sunset was actually just before the Starlink launch.