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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Back to Nassau 28-29 Mar


   We had decided to head back between the Majors as the most comfortable anchorage for the cold front and were heading towards the Bank when it dawned on me - with southwest winds, why not sail back to Nassau and sit out the frontal passage anchored at Montague just like we had done twice before with Jackson.  So, we made a right turn instead of left and set sail for Nassau.

  This was easily our best sail of the entire trip. The wind was steady all day from the southwest at 15kts giving us a beam reach to Nassau. Even with our tardy departure from Compass Cay, we were in Nassau in 11 hours, averaging over 6kts, and safely anchored before the front came through (at midnight of course). 

  Interestingly, when the wind shifted and gusted a sailboat ahead of us broke free and dragged his anchor. He came up against a boat beside us and they sorted it all out in the dark and blowing winds. Boat that drag almost always don't have enough anchor scope out. We had no problems with our 150ft of chain out. 


   Anchored back in Montague Bay with northeast winds after the frontal passage. We will stay here until Sunday when the weather looks good for transiting back to Florida. A bit bumpy here but not bad.