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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Hull Rubdown and Wax

   After 15 years its time for Tides Inn to have a good rubdown of her hull topsides. Sitting in the boatyard in the sun, the hull has gotten pretty pasty looking.
   You cant tell it from the photos but in this "before shot" the hull has no shine whatsoever. 

    Working on the starboard side with the first application of "heavy oxidation" removal rubbing compound. 4hrs of weight-lifting the 10lb orbital polisher.  Then (next day) another 4hrs of "finishing" rubbing compound, plus 2hrs to do above the rubrail with both heavy duty and finishing duty rubbing.

     All done with the rubbing compound. Starboard side now ready for waxing.  Sue removed the gunnale stainless trim in preparation for stripping and new Cetol varnish for the gunnales. That will have to wait to next week as we are off to Nashville tomorrow.   And, of course, there is still the port side to do.

  Meanwhile, Sue has been working with Rivah to stay calm in the kayak - preparing for future kayak rides in the Bahamas. So far, very successful but not too many distractions.