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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Another Job Nearing Completion

After 15yrs its time for another new set of batteries. And that means hoisting 4 70lb house batteries and 1 50lb starter battery up into the boat which is still up on jackstands.
   Its a multiple segment journey from the truck bed to the battery compartment. First, hoist the battery to the stern platform. Then lift it by hand to the helm seat. Then carry to the companionway. The carry down the 4 steps to salon and over to settee. Then finally position into the battery compartment.   Its a two person job for most of the steps. The dinghy davit hoist does a good job of lifting the battery to the stern platform, but then Sue has to push the battery onto the platform while I ease off the hoisting line to let the battery swing forward. From here it is lug them by hand up to the cockpit.

  Once all 4 house batteries are in the salon, its time to position them into the battery compartment.

   Going into the battery compartment is a tight fit. There is absolutely no wiggle room. You have to lower the battery athwartships into the opening, then holding it above the 2x4 framing, spin it 90deg to get it into place. Lowering a 70lb battery requires a tripod stance, 2 knees plus a forehead braced. A boat cushion makes good protection for my forehead. 
   Finally, all in place. I'll do the connections in the morning when it isn't 90deg temperature and 90percent humidity. There is also the starter battery to position into the rear bedroom. Fortunately, it only weighs 50lbs, but still is an awkward install going down into the engine compartment, then sliding sideways into its shelf location. The problem is where to brace your forehead as you are bending over the engine compartment lowering the battery, then pulling it back toward you - basically it ends up on a shelf under your knees.