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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Lobster Dinner at Big Majors

   Finally got to have our first lobster dinner, thanks to Conrad on "Its About Time." Conrad got these two lobsters. The smaller one is about a 1pounder, the big one somewhat over 3 lbs.  I shot a small Grunt (member of Snapper family) which provided some good appetizers.
  Other than this success  the fishing/hunting has been pretty slim as these waters are fairly fished out by the many cruisers and locals in the area.
   But the scenery is pretty spectacular.

   Sue and Sally went shelling on this beach offshore of Big Majors on the Bahama Bank side. This island turns out to be the playground of guests from one of the megayachts anchored offshore. Guests arrive to/from the yacht via seaplane.   You all can come visit us here via same seaplane or fly into Staniel Cay.

   This is the view from lower end of Sampson Cay looking west onto the Bank. We didn't stay too long at Sampson Cay as they were out of Kalik beer and much of their food supplies since the supply ship was out of commission and no supplies had arrived in two weeks.

   Sue at work weaving a basket with palm fronds from the islands. You have to learn what the "right" palm fronds are, not just any fronds work.
Sue is heading out to search for palm fronds. In the distance you can see the megayacht anchored offshore and the islands where Sue and Sally went shelling. The seaplanes land in the lee of these offshore islands and wait for a tender from the yacht to come pick up the guests.