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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Last minute maintenance

   Down to the last maintenance items before pushing off to the Bahamas - we took advantage of the light winds for "Rigger Sue" to go up the mast and attend to a couple items.
   In addition to lubricating our anemometer at the mast head, we had to remove a cleat and line off the backstay. I put it there (with the mast pulled) to fly our national ensign but, we learned the hard way that the mainsail topping lift snags on it.

   A long stretch but Sue was able to clean and lube the anemometer, then spray T9 on the other hardware. Mission accomplished.

  Meanwhile, we are enjoying our stay here. We had a visiter this morning checking out the boat next door. Sue got to pet his back some. He had the typical propeller scars down his back, but seemed all healed up.

 Another of our interesting dockmates here out for a stroll. Genny gave him a wide berth.


    We plan to leave the marina tomorrow and sail around Biscayne Bay until a weather window opens to the Bahamas. Looks like Fri or Sat may work. Thursday closed down with strong winds from north forecasted, so will go out for a nice sail on the bay and wait for Friday.