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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Shroud Cay - 4 Apr


Our next and last stop before heading back to Nassau was Shroud Cay. The main attraction of Shroud Cay are the mangrove creeks that wind across the island from the western bank side to the eastern ocean side.

   Since our last visit in 2012, the Exuma Land & Sea park has had to erect "No jet-ski" signs on the creeks because of all the mega-yachts bringing their play toys to the islands. The water jet powered boats are damaging to the fragile mangrove environment. 

   The creek on the northern end of the island runs all the way through to the ocean. Winding your way up the mangrove swamp reminds you of the movie African Queen.

   The middle creek does not quite reach the ocean and you have to walk the last 100 yards or so. That is a bit treacherous (for your shoes) as there is plenty of quicksand where you will sink down to your knees in the silty sand and are apt to never see your beach shoes again.

   This visit we dinghied up the northern creek to its mouth on the ocean side. The views were spectacular.

We beached the dinghy up near the ocean and went exploring on foot. The tide was starting to go out so no fear of our dinghy floating away. 

   Another beautiful sandy beach, this time on the ocean side. It was a relatively calm day and there were several yachts anchored on the ocean side of Shroud Cay, normally an unsafe lee shore to anchor off.

   Another view of the oceanside beach, looking to the southeast.

   Sunrise over Shroud Cay. We are off early this morning for Nassau where we need to check out of Immigration/Customs before departing for Florida.