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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Chris and Family Visit - Sail to Yorktown VA

    In early September, Chris and kids had the opportunity to visit for the weekend and the weather looked good for a day sail on the Chesapeake. We loaded up the boat with a picnic lunch and headed out for the bay. Unfortunately, our route out the Poquoson River to the bay was straight into the 20kt winds and 2-3ft seas. It made for a bouncy and wet slog.

   After an hour bashing our way out to the York River, we were ready to call it a day and return to port, but once we got to the river channel we were able to turn downwind and everything quickly settled down. Interestingly, we saw two sailboats motoring out the York River directly into the wind and while I was watching, I saw the mast of one of them crumple backwards. Soon he was on the radio calling for help. Towboat quickly responded and towed him back to Sarah's Creek.

   Sailing direct downwind it turned out to be a wonderful day. Additionally, the wind steadily dropped in force which was good for the trip back up the river.  We sailed down to Yorktown and under the Coleman Bridge.

   It always looks like the mast is going to hit the bridge, but the charts show a clearance of over 20 feet and that's what we had.

     After clearing the bridge we did a 180 turn and started heading back to homeport. By late afternoon the wind had died to under 10kts and we were able to motorsail back to home, passing back by Yorktown landing on the starboard side. You can see the schooner Alliance at the Yorktown docks. 'The kids had a great time after a rough start to the day.