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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Bashing across the Abermarle Sound

    Crossing the Abermarle is always a challenge if there is any wind up because it is so shallow (15-20ft) and the waves form steep and choppy peaks.

   The forecast was for 15+ kts just off the stbd bow but like in the Gulf Stream, the wind is always stronger than forecasted in the Abermarle. It turned out to be 20-25kts - just what the ICW guides tell you not to cross in.

   We had departed Coinjock at first light so we could enter the Abermarle at 0930 and be across by noon, before the strongest winds were forecasted but the winds decided to arrive early. 

   Fortunately, the wind angle was just enough to allow us to motor sail and keep our speed up cutting through the waves at a 60deg angle. By halfway across the wind had shifted some and the waves were at nearly 90deg and the ride began to smooth out.  

   Out in the Abermarle the US Coast Guard apparently used us as a training aid. They flew over at high altitude, then circled back and made a slow,  low altitude pass at about 500ft.  I think we were the only boat out on the Sound at that time.

   By the time we reached the Alligator River, the wind had shifted to the NW and we were heading south down the river on a downwind run. It was time to secure the engine and sail for the next two hours. As you see the conditions had calmed to the point Sue went out on deck to check on the spinnaker halyard and make sure it was not rubbing on the spreaders. 
   We had an enjoyable sail down the Alligator River in the bright sunshine and crisp temperatures. Actually a perfect sailing day in these more protected waters.

   This is the sailing we had in mind when we purchased our new dodger, bimini and full enclosure this summer. Sunny and brisk outside and short sleeve sailing inside. 

  By 4pm we were anchored off Deep Point at the bend of the river and mouth of the Canal. Time for a beer and snacks and watch the sunset.  After a rough start to the day, the afternoon sail was a just reward.


   After dinner and a pretty sunset we ran the generator for a couple hours to warm the blanket and interior, then time for bed at 8pm. Temperatures were not too bad, a low of 42 during the night and high 40s onboard below. But warm and cozy under the blankets.