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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Slow and Steady

  We're making slow but steady progress getting the hull back in shape. The boot stripe takes a good deal of prep work and then at least two coats of final polyurethane.

    After a week of sanding, priming, and resanding - then taping off - then 3 trips to West Marine to get the right paint and paint brush, we are ready to apply the first coat of polyurethane. Sue rolls the paint on and I "tip" it with the brush. You have to get just the right amount of thinner for the temperature and sun conditions. We had to guess with a dab of thinner. I'm not sure we ever got it right until just at the end of the port side which was in the shade.

   Here's a couple pictures of the port side, all primed up and sanded and ready to be painted.

Here's the port side with one coat of boot stripe paint. We'll add the second coat tomorrow.  The stern section came out excellent, The front has some clear brush marks that need to be sanded. Good news is that it looks great from a distance.

While waiting for the paint to dry between coats (takes 24hrs), there is time to start working on some more of the teak. I removed the two locker covers from the cockpit which I could take home and work on. Here is the original condition (one original and one stripped, then one sanded). I then had to clean and bleach them with teak treatment (no photos of that).

   And, here is what they look like in the final form.