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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Georgetown, SC

   We spent a full day sitting (rocking in wind) at anchor in Georgetown, SC. Except for the 3 factories (in far background), this is a very scenic and enjoyable town. The wind was calm at dawn when I snapped this picture but quite strong (30kts offshore) that night.

   Another plug for the great enclosure - sitting in short sleeves in the cockpit while it is 50deg and breezy outside, sweatshirt and fleece weather.
   Tomorrow will be the final test as we head offshore in 25kts of wind and 40degs. We'll only be able to use the upwind side when sailing because of the headsail control lines. But that's the critical side to block the wind and spray.

   Heading south of Georgetown you enter the South Carolina marsh lands. Sea grass to the horizon. Georgia is much more of the same.

   Another stressful day as the water levels are exceptionally low because the strong west winds are blowing the water out of the ICW and not letting the incoming tide bring it back. We finally ran out of water north of Charleston and stopped for the day ( we stopped before our water level got this low).
   Tomorrow we will finally exit the ICW at Charleston and finally get to the safety of sailing offshore.

Genny has had a chance to get in some good reading also. Now if she could just learn to stand the watch alone.