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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Crossing the North Carolina Sounds

   Had a great day today for crossing the Pamlico River and Sound. Temp in the 60s and a 5-10kt breeze just off the bow enough to let us motor sail at a good clip. We arrived at River Dunes Marina just before sunset and navigated the winding channel full of crab pot floats/lines successfully.  Not a place to come into at night. Entrance channel was 6ft, not 8ft as advertised. Very fancy place - will post pictures tomorrow.

   This is where we spent last night, anchored just before entrance to Alligator-Pungo Canal at MP103. This is a popular anchorage for ICW transitors but, funny, we were the only ones there on 6-7 Jan.  Not an unpleasant night. Temp was 49 this morning. Decided not to dig out the generator to run a heater, just jumped under 4 blankets.

   Once the anchor's down and dinner's over its time for dominos. Sue loves her new chair (her Sailrite sewing machine with pad and cover).  Just right for our small table the sits under the main salon table (folded up).

   We got in several games before the temperature began dropping and it was time to jump in bed - 0730pm.  Got in a good nights sleep before rising at 0600 for today's long run to River Dunes.

   Tomorrow is supposed to be same weather as today, but chance of rain after midnight. We hope to get past Camp Lejeune to Swansboro tomorrow. Hopefully another warm day we can open the dodger center window like this which greatly improves visibility.
    All going smoothly so far.