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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Staged for Crossing to the Bahamas -16 Mar


   We're anchored just off Key Biscayne staged for departing tomorrow am for the Bahamas. 

   We moved over here from Miami South Beach this morning. Stopped at Crandon Marina to top off gas, diesel and water. Too bad we were delayed a couple weeks here as we had to pay the Ukraine crisis price for fuel, basically 6$ a gallon for gas and diesel. Fortunately we only needed 5 gals of each.   That's all the fuel we've used since departing Vero Beach on 28 Feb. Joys of traveling by sailboat.

    Goodbye view of our anchorage spot at South Beach. Was a good spot with a relatively short dinghy ride to shore. Only detractor was the extensive boat wakes from the speed boats passing by.

   Yesterday we did our final grocery shopping and laundry ashore.

   Last night we had to obtain our Bahamas Health Visas and Cruising Permit via the new Bahamas websites. Took about 3hrs to get it all right. Next time ( next year?) it will be about half that time now that we know the problems and mistakes easy to make. But all good to go today.

    Transiting from Miami to Biscayne Bay. Monument Island is a favorite party spot for the boaters here in Miami.

   At this point our chart plotter stopped working and we had to make a decision to continue or abort, but ultimately decided we could make it to the Bahamas without it. Later in the day it was working again. Perhaps an electron glitch.

   This will be the view starting tomorrow for a couple days. We should arrive at our checkin point on Andros Island (Morgan's Bluff) about noon on Friday the 18th. Across the Gulf Stream and down the Bahamas Bank then a right turn to Andros. Winds are forecast to be light from the south. We'll see. Rare for the forecast to be exactly right.