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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

New Smyrna Beach - 11-15 Feb


   We had an easy transit down the ICW from St Augustine to New Smyrna. As you arrive from the north you get a great view of the Ponce de Leon Inlet lighthouse.

   We found a great spot to anchor just off the town dock. New Smyrna doesn't allow overnight docking at their town dock any more but you can land your dinghy there - except for the Saturday we arrived as there was a wedding going on and we guess they didn't want the riff-raff dinghies spoiling the view. We found a spot to tie up down the shore at the fishing pier.

   Sunday was Super Bowl and we were hosted by our good friends Carol and Tara. It was a solid 8 hours of eating and drinking and the food was superb. Good thing Sue and I have been walking 5-8miles a day for the last month and have our metabolism rates up.


 Over the weekend I opened my computer to update my finance data as we have to calculate and pay our taxes on line this Spring, but it failed to start up. We headed to the local repair shop who were able to successfully load up Windows but recommended that I upgrade to a new solid state hard drive, so we decided to say in town a couple more days and enjoy the company and great weather. It has finally warmed up here in Florida, at least out of the 40s.

   This photo is from the bridge just south of the anchorage. There is a great 4 mile walk across the bridge to the oceanside and back across the northern bridge.  Just what we needed to work off Super Bowl meals.

   Tuesday was a great day to go walk the beach along the Ponce de Leon inlet with Carol and Tara.

   The dogs had a great time on the beach as well. This is Rivah along with her friend Piper.

   We had a great visit with friends at New Smyrna but it was soon time to push on further south. The weather wasn't as bad as it looks although it was quite breezy and we had one good shower. But a few hours later we were down to Titusville and ready to stop and check out our favorite brewery (at least favorite for Titusville). Think we will wait for the wind to die down a bit before heading to shore.