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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Mayo Seafood 28 Apr

    Mayo Seafood is a commercial fishing facility in Hobuken, NC, that allows cruisers to tie up to the docks on a space available basis for a very small fee. They have electric power which is great for us if we need heat or A/C. There is no water and no bathrooms, but we have those on the boat.  We decided we would stop here on the way home and buy some fresh seafood.

   While I was paying the mooring fee, Sue went to check out the fresh seafood. Special of the day were shrimp for $5.75 per pound. Since we had just paid $23 a pound for steamed shrimp in Georgia, that seemed a great deal.

   However, for $5.75, you get to prepare, clean and steam the shrimp yourself. So I got to pull off the heads and pull out the intestines and Sue did the steaming. They were great.  

   Next time we will make sure we slice the shells before steaming them. That made it much easier to get the shell off when it was time to eat them.

Looking good.

Yes, they definitely are good. Steamed shrimp and beer - hard to beat.