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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

New Smyrna Beach 6-7 April


    New Smyrna is just 3 hours south of Daytona and we were there before noon on Tuesday and there was an open spot in the anchorage just off the city public landing. We got the pole position just inside the channel junction pole. 

   First stop on the list is the New Smyrna Beach Brewery, a short walk from the town docks. The perfect meeting place to join up with best friends.

   After a couple brewskis at the brewery, it was off to dinner with Tara and Carol at the local seafood hotspot on the water. Temperatures were much more enjoyable than our previous dinner in March at Cocoa Beach. 

First on the agenda Wednesday morning was a Space-X Falcon-9 launch. While not as great a location as Titusville, New Smyrna is still a good spot to watch rocket launches from Cape Canaveral. 

   It was a cloudless day and the rocket left only a short contrail streak at mid-altitude. We could watch the first stage burn all the way to engine cut-off as the rocket arcs up to the northeast towards New Smyrna. 

   After the launch, it was off to Dog Beach along the Ponce de Leon inlet, but to our surprise it was more than just dog beach. A young couple were walking their two goats along the beach along with their large dog. The young goats were quite cute and frisky, but had to be held back from trying to butt heads with the dogs they met.

   Topping off a fun day at the beach, Rivah and Piper both received a treat from Starbucks, a Pup-Cup of whipped cream. These are Rivah's favorite treats from any drive through establishment.

   As always, we had a great visit with Carol and Tara, but too soon the weather gods had lined up a good day to head on north offshore, so it was time to depart. 

   April 8th the start of the long trek back north to Yorktown.  Our next commitment at home is in mid-May so we have time for a nice leisurely transit back and intend to make several stops along the way. Our first leg is from New Smyrna to Cumberland Island, GA.