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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Home in Yorktown April 2019

   We had to return home to do our taxes and see the grandchildren when Ella came to Hampton Roads for her school music competition. The time in Yorktown provided an opportunity to knock off a few other projects.  Sue, our designated mast climber got to practice her high altitude work cleaning out the dryer vent outlet.

   Mark got the MGB back on the road. It started up relatively quickly after sitting up on jackstands for the past 2 years while he worked in Europe. Besides the routine oil and coolant changes, the only minor issue was having to bleed the hydraulic clutch slave cylinder which had leaked out fluid. All looks ready for summer joy riding.

   We did some spring cleanup on the Trinka dinghy and got it back in the water. Here it is sporting its new tailored boat cover from Slo Sail and Canvas. They did a great job at a very reasonable price. Definitely a step up from the Harbor Freight tarps we used to use. Haven't tried out the sailing rig yet but rowing works great.

   Before long it was time to head back to Tides Inn in Punta Gorda and start the transit home. The boat looked great when we arrived - Sally and Conrad had just washed it up in anticipation of our return. What great boat babysitters they are.
   All was pretty much ready to go. We only had to repair the washdown pump and clean the bow nav light connections - both quick jobs - then replenish the pantry and fridge, get 5 gallons of ethenol free gas and 5 gallons of emergency diesel fuel, and stow our spring/summer clothes onboard. Waiting now for a good weather window to head south towards the Florida Keys and on to Miami. A strong storm  front comes through on Friday, so it looks like an early Saturday departure, 20 April.

    As an added bonus, Friday night is the monthly full moon so we will have several nights of bright moonlight to aid our sailing. Here is a photo from Thursday night.