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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Teak and Winches

   Back at Dare Marina and plugging away on the work list. The teak work is going to take a couple weeks and, there are other projects to do while the teak is drying.

First up were the cockpit winches. Removing the covers also let me sand the teak right up to the mounting plate. There are 9 winches in all on Tides Inn. With the 90 degree weather and high humidity, I took 3 days to overhaul all 9. No problems noted with the winch conditions but they all definitely needed some fresh grease.

   I finished the first coat of Cetol on the cockpit teak under sunny skies, then 30 minutes later the rain came. Fortunately, that was enough time for the Cetol to dry enough to protect itself in the 90 degree heat. Today, I was able to lightly sand the surface with fine sandpaper, removing the water spots, and then apply a second coat. No rain forecasted for today.  I should be able to get two more coats on in the next two days. Meanwhile I can start stripping the gunnales starting in the bow.

   There are 3 winches on the mast. The teak mounting blocks were looking pretty weathered and green after sitting for years unattended. I was able to sand the mold off and apply some new teak oil. I dont bother putting Cetol on these blocks, just teak oil.

   All finished with today's project. Tomorrow's task is to figure out why no AIS contacts are showing up on the chartplotter. I suspect corrosion on the wires from the radio to the plotter. I still have the wind generator and new radar to mount.