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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA
   One never gets tired of sunsets at sea. The forecast was for scattered showers and thunderstorms but check out the blue skies we had all day.  We were hoping for a green flash but, too much humidity on the horizon with the approaching warm front that did bring thunderstorms the following night.

   Love that enclosure when you have winter/early spring temps to deal with and showers.  Short sleeve weather inside when the sun is shining.

   We made good time offshore from St Mary's north and bypassed Charleston for the Georgetown inlet.
   Why is it that the wind always blows hardest inside the breakwaters?  We had 20kts offshore and it was 10kts in Georgetown. Passing through the mile long breakwaters it was 30kts gusting to 35!  We were almost fully prepared with double reefs in sails but, it was still 30degrees of heel with the 30kt winds directly on the beam.
   The sturdy IP380 plowed its way in with no complaints and we could soon turn downwind and zip up the channel. We continued straight up the Wacamaw River, our favorite section of the ICW, and anchored behind the island off Waca Weche marina. Great protection for the thunderstorms that finally arrived that night.

   The Wacamaw River winds through a true cyprus tree swamp with lots of wildlife. One year we saw 5 bald eagles through here. None sighted this spring but lots of ospreys and herons/egrets.

   Tonight we're anchored at the Little River Inlet, just in from the breakwater on the "red" side. There is a creek that runs up behind the dunes where you can actually run further up but, we are here staged for an early departure tomorrow morning, back to sea for the run to Cape Fear River which we need to get to before noon to ride the tide up the river. There is a little bit of swell from the ocean that reaches us and plenty of wakes on this holiday Monday, but should quiet down this evening as the wind and traffic ease off.
   Heading for Carolina Beach State Park tomorrow to spend a few days.