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Where is TIDES INN Today?

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The last position reports for Tides Inn will be displayed in red on the map. (Courtesy of Be sure to check the date for the latest position, our last year's journey is also displayed. Tides Inn homeport is Dare Marina, Yorktown VA

Sampson Cay

   We are homesteading (7 days now) at Sampson Cay which is one of the best little spots in the Exumas with lots of things to do including lobster and fish hunting, snorkeling on reefs, beach walking, refueling and a nice restaurant.

   There are lobsters here, but hard to find for us novices. I got one on Monday and missed one yesterday. The commercial fishers have no problem. This is only half of their catch, along with some good size groupers. They clean the fish, throwing scraps to the Nurse Sharks and rays, then sell the seafood to the Sampson Cay restaurant.
Yesterday we anchored the boat just off a small island off Sampson and dinghied into the beaches, first the sandy island in the background, where we saw this little protected beach across the channel.  We explored the islands, did some fishing, snorkeling and hunting for lobsters (missed one), and enjoyed the perfect day.
  Genny enjoyed her day off the big boat. She raced around the beach burning off some stored energy. Getting ready to head back to boat, Sue found a starfish near the shoreline. Genny wasn't too impressed with the motionless thing that smelled like seawater.
This is one of the prettiest and nicest places to hangout in the Exumas with lots to do nearby. We'll spend more time here next year.
   We'll spend the next week at the Exuma Sealife Park just a couple hours away, then its time to start heading back to the real world - and grandchildren - with lots of great photos and videos. We have a great underwater video to load up when we get to better wifi bandwidth.